How to Distract Your Mind From Anxiety: Distraction Techniques to Find Calm

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Feeling anxious can be overwhelming, making it hard to focus on anything else. However, using distraction techniques can help you find calm. By shifting your focus to different activities, you can reduce anxiety and bring peace of mind. 

What are distraction techniques for anxiety?

Distraction techniques shift your attention away from anxious thoughts and feelings. These techniques engage your mind or body in activities requiring concentration, creativity, or physical effort. This redirection can help break the cycle of anxious thinking and provide a mental break, allowing you to regain control and calmness. 

Can distraction help with anxiety?

Distraction techniques can help manage anxiety by interrupting negative thought patterns. 1 Here’s how:

Interrupt negative thoughts

  • Anxiety often involves repetitive, negative thoughts.
  • Distraction helps shift focus to a different activity, giving your mind a break and allowing you to think more clearly.

Balance emotions

  • By focusing on pleasant or neutral activities, distraction can stabilize your mood and reduce anxiety, helping you manage stress better.

Encourage positive activities

  • Engaging in hobbies or social activities can distract from anxiety and promote positive feelings.
  • Talking to friends or joining groups can also reduce feelings of isolation.

Prevent anxiety escalation

  • Using distraction early can prevent anxiety from becoming overwhelming.
  • Regular practice builds resilience and helps manage anxiety in daily life.

Distraction techniques for anxiety

Distraction techniques are useful tools to help manage anxiety by redirecting your focus away from anxious thoughts.

Physical activities

  • Exercise: Walking, running, swimming, or yoga release endorphins, improving mood and reducing anxiety. 2 Exercise also shifts attention away from anxious thoughts.
  • Household Chores: Chores like cleaning, organizing, or gardening can occupy your mind and provide a sense of accomplishment and control, which can be soothing.
  • Hobbies: Activities like knitting, painting, or playing an instrument keep your mind and hands busy. This helps you focus on something other than anxiety and gives you a creative way to relax.

Humor and laughter

  • Watching comedies: Watching a funny movie or stand-up comedy can lift your mood and distract you from anxious thoughts.
  • Reading jokes: Reading or sharing jokes can bring laughter and reduce anxiety.

Mental engagement

  • Puzzles and games: Solving puzzles or playing games can distract your mind and reduce anxiety by requiring concentration and strategy.
  • Reading: A good book or article can help distract you from symptoms of anxiety.
  • Learning new skills: Picking up a new hobby or skill, like cooking or coding, keeps your mind occupied.

Sensory techniques

  • Listening to music: Playing your favorite songs can soothe your mind and help redirect your thoughts away from anxiety.
  • Aromatherapy: Using essential oils like lavender creates a calming environment and can improve your mood. 3
  • Tactile activities: Engage in touch-based activities like using stress balls to ground yourself and reduce anxiety.
  • Taste sensations: Whenever you feel anxious, eat your favorite snack or chew gum to shift focus away from the anxious thoughts. 

Social interaction

  • Talking to a friend: Chat with a friend or loved one when anxious. This can help distract those thoughts and bring relief. 
  • Joining groups: Groups that practice exercises for anxiety can be beneficial for your mental health.
  • Volunteering: Helping others can be a way to shift your focus from anxiety and boost your self-esteem.

Mindfulness and grounding techniques

  • Meditate: Practice mindfulness meditation to stay in the present moment and reduce anxiety.
  • Breathe deeply: Breathing exercises like diaphragmatic or box breathing techniques, where you inhale deeply and count backward, can calm your nervous system and relieve anxiety. 4
  • Relax your muscles: Try progressive muscle relaxation by tensing and relaxing muscle groups to ease physical tension and anxiety.

Creative outlets

  • Drawing or painting: Expressing yourself through art can be therapeutic. 5 Creative activities can help you process emotions and provide a mental escape from anxiety.
  • Writing: Journaling your thoughts or writing stories can help you make sense of your feelings and provide a release for anxious thoughts.
  • Crafting: Activities like scrapbooking, sewing, or DIY projects keep your hands and mind busy, offering a productive way to distract yourself from anxiety.


  • Guided imagery: Listening to guided imagery recordings can help you visualize calming scenes. This technique can transport your mind to a peaceful place, reducing anxiety.
  • Positive visualization: Imagining a positive outcome or a peaceful place can shift your focus away from anxious thoughts. 

Nature and outdoor activities

  • Walking in nature: Spending time in nature can have a calming effect. Walking in a park, hiking, or sitting in a garden can help reduce anxiety.
  • Gardening: Tending to plants and engaging with nature can provide peace and a sense of accomplishment when anxious.

Technological distractions

  • Watching movies or TV shows: Immersing yourself in a good movie or TV show can provide an escape from anxiety and entertain you.
  • Playing video games: Playing video games can be a fun and interactive way to distract yourself and reduce anxiety.

Other ways to cope with anxiety

Several other methods, in addition to distraction techniques, exist to manage anxiety. These approaches can be combined with distraction techniques for a more comprehensive means to cope with anxiety.

Professional support

  • Therapy: Speaking with a licensed therapist can provide personalized strategies and support for managing anxiety.
  • Support groups: These groups offer a sense of community and share experiences with others who understand what you’re going through.
  • Medication: For some people, medication prescribed by a healthcare provider can effectively manage anxiety symptoms.

Healthy lifestyle choices

  • Balanced diet: Eating a nutritious diet can stabilize mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Regular exercise: Exercising regularly boosts your mental health and helps lower stress.
  • Adequate sleep: Ensuring you get enough restful sleep is crucial for managing anxiety and maintaining overall well-being.

Stress management techniques

  • Time management: Learning to manage your time effectively can reduce stress and prevent anxiety from becoming overwhelming.
  • Setting boundaries: Knowing when to say no and setting healthy boundaries can help you avoid overcommitment and reduce anxiety.

Developing a support system

  • Family and friends: Leaning on supportive family members and friends can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Peer support: Engaging with peers who understand your experiences can offer validation and practical advice.

Journaling and reflective practices

  • Expressive writing: Writing about your thoughts and feelings can help you process emotions and reduce anxiety.
  • Gratitude journaling: Keeping a gratitude journal can shift your focus to positive aspects of life, reducing anxiety.
  • Reflective practices: Regularly reflecting on your gleeful experiences and progress might help reduce anxiety over time.

Limiting stimulants

  • Reduce caffeine and alcohol: Limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol can prevent these substances from worsening anxiety symptoms.
  • Healthy substitutes: Opt for calming teas or other non-stimulating beverages instead.

Digital detox

  • Limit screen time: Reducing the time you spend on screens, especially social media, can lower anxiety triggers.
  • Tech-free time: Designate periods without technology to unwind and reduce stress.

Final thoughts

Distraction techniques offer practical ways to redirect your focus and provide much-needed relief from anxiety.

It’s important to remember that while distraction techniques can be helpful, they are just one part of a comprehensive approach to managing anxiety.

If you find that your anxiety is overwhelming or persistent, consider seeking professional help.

Our anxiety treatment program is designed to provide personalized support and effective strategies to help you regain control and improve your quality of life.

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1. Chen, S.-M., Fang, J., Wang, L.-M., & Liu, C.-L. (2020). Rest a while and run a mile: Relationship between distraction and negative emotions among college students in China. PLoS ONE, 15(9), e0236030.

2. Brand, S., Colledge, F., Ludyga, S., Emmenegger, R., Kalak, N., Sadeghi Bahmani, D., Pühse, U., & Gerber, M. (2018). Acute Bouts of Exercising Improved Mood, Rumination and Social Interaction in Inpatients With Mental Disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 349824.

3. da Silva, C. C., Berbert, L. V., & Sakalem, M. E. (2023). Essential oils as a resource to support the mental health of academics and health-care professionals. ID on Line Revista de Psicologia, 17(69).

4. Zaccaro, A., Piarulli, A., Laurino, M., Garbella, E., Menicucci, D., Neri, B., & Gemignani, A. (2018). How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12.

5. Shukla, A., Choudhari, S. G., Gaidhane, A. M., & Syed, Z. Q. (2022). Role of Art Therapy in the Promotion of Mental Health: A Critical Review. Cureus, 14(8).